Personal Security Concepts, Inc.
Personal Security Seminars
Terrorism Seminar
About PSC

Custom Tailored Security Seminars

Custom Tailored Security Seminars
are available upon request.  Security seminars can vary in length and in subject material and adapted to fit the specific needs of the customer. Listed below are a selection of the various subjects that can be presented.

Subject Areas

* Crime and Urban Violence
* Crime Organizations
* Extortion
* Individual Protective Measures
* Methods of Self Defense
* Residential Security
* Workplace Security
* Vehicle Security
* Security While Traveling
* Detecting Surveillance
* Kidnapping and Hostage Situations
* Methods of preventing, defending against, and surviving a kidnapping
* Introduction to Terrorism
* Why Americans are targeted while working or traveling overseas
* Terrorist Operations
* Development of a Personal Security Program for your corporate personnel
* Establishment of an Executive Protection Program for VIPs and executives
* Advance Work
* Close Protection
* Threat Assessment
* Non-Lethal Methods of Defense
* Firearms Selection and Training
* Role of the Protection Specialist
* International Travel
* Regional Threat Assessments
* Country Intelligence and Threat Briefing


For additional information please contact us at

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